
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Magic of Panthers

I also made a video on this one. It’s at the bottom of the post right before the sources. General Info Black Panther is not actually a species of cat. It’s terminology used to refer to cats that are part of the genus Panthera and that have black fur. The Panthera genus includes tigers, lions, jaguars, leopards, and snow leopards. “Black panther” most often refers to black-coated leopards and black-coated jaguars. However, other cat species can contain black-coated varieties. There is a gene in these animals that is expressed causing large amounts of melanin in the fur that vary in darkness. If you look at one of these beautiful animals, you will still be able to see their leopard or jaguar spots in their fur. From a distance, they tend to look solid black. Lifestyle, diet, hunting, etc are all determined by which species the panther is.  A black panther jaguar may have different habi

H is for Hera | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

*** Possible Trigger Warning when I discuss how Hera was forced to marry Zeus.*** I also did a video on this. You can find it at the bottom of this post. Basics of Hera Let’s start with some basic info on Hera, the Queen of the Greek Gods and Queen of the Heavens before we move on to the things about her story that piss me off. :smile: Hera is part of the Gods of Olympus in Greek Mythology. She rules over Marriage, Women, Birth, and the Heavens. Sacred items to her: Diadem, Scepter, Pomegranate, Peacock, Cow, Lily Gif from Giphy Her parents are Chronus and Rhea who are also the parents of Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. She is married to Zeus, the King of the Gods, who is also her brother. This is a common thing in Greek mythology. Her children are: Ares, Enyo, Hebe, Eileithyia, Hephaestus, Angelos, and Eris Gif from Giphy Hera’s equivalent in Roman Mythology is Juno. Her Story I’ve read so many hateful things about Hera. “She’s f

G is for Glamour Magick | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

For the letter G, I chose to discuss Glamour Magick. I hope you find it interesting!

The Magic of Snakes

Giphy General Info Snakes are also called serpents. There are more than 3400 species of reptiles that have no limbs and an elongated body and tail, like a snake. In evolution, snakes are basically lizards that changed quite a bit. There are quite a few differences between snakes and lizards other than shape, such as snakes do not have movable eyelids. They just stare. At you. Forever. :smile: Giphy Snakes have been around a long time. The oldest snake fossil is about 167 million years old. They are also quite misunderstood. Yes, they are predators, as many animals are. Less than 300 species are venomous and only about half of those can inflict a deadly bite in a human. Of course, most of us do not know which those are by sight. Better to be careful! I’d like to stay alive anyway. That is why I’m okay with snakes in captivity that I know what they are, like a pet, but I do stay away from snakes in the wild. While there is fear over being bitten by a snake, the num