J is for (Archangel) Jophiel | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

I did a video covering basically this exact same info. It's below if you would like to watch it!

Jophiel is a lesser known Archangel. Most have heard of Archangel Michael, possibly Gabriel or Raphael but most have not heard of Jophiel unless they work with Angels. Angels are not owned by Christianity, by the way. That’s not the point of this post so that’s where I’m going to leave that for now.

According to author and Angel Expert, Kyle Gray, Jophiel means the beauty of God.  She helps us shift our vision of our self, silence negative self-talk and the voice of ego, and to step away from fear for more clarity. Kyle Gray refers to Angels as the heartbeat of the Divine and beings of love. I agree given my experiences with them. In his book Light Warrior, Kyle Gray says that Jophiel is associated with the color green and can help us with clearing the air and anything cluttered.

Because Jophiel is associated with beauty (her name), she is also associated with creativity. She has worked with me on creative projects before.

You can work with Jophiel on any of the above mentioned things. She is great for self-improvement and creativity. Angels are quite easy to work with. Simply call on them. For communication there are numerous ways. If you are clairaudient, you may hear them. You can use tarot cards, oracle cards, pendulums, automatic writing, and other forms of divination.

Sources and more information:


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