The Magic of Deer

I connect with multiple animals. It’s kind of fun but also makes me feel like I’m cheating on my main animal spirit. Lol The Panther is my main. Cats in general are my deepest connection, both wild and domestic. Deer are another animal I connect with.


I see deer as gentle, graceful, peaceful, and spiritual creatures. It makes me happy and calm just to look at them. They’re beautiful.

Magickal Properties

The magickal meanings behind deer are similar to how I see them. If the deer is your animal spirit, it generally means you have a good intuition and you’re sensitive. The deer’s gentleness and grace are good things to channel into your own life, as well as trusting your intuition. The deer also reminds us to be kind to ourselves and others.


Deer Magick in Pop Culture

I’m only going to give a couple of examples that I am familiar with here. These are by no means the only time deer and magick pops up.

Let’s talk about Harry Potter first. For those that haven’t seen the movies or read the books, a patronus is an advanced form of magic that acts as a guardian. They can appear corporeal or non-corporeal. Harry Potter’s patronus is a stag, which is the same as his father’s. Harry’s mom and Severus Snape both have a doe as their patronus. I won’t go into detail as to why. Spoilers! Lol Others in the series have a wolf, phoenix, cat, lynx, and tons more. The incantation for a wizard to summon their patronus is ‘EXPECTO PATRONUM.’ This could certainly be incorporated into magic for those who like to use pop culture influences.

(If you want to see what some of the others that are not deer look like, go here:

Dragon Age Halla: 
The Dragon Age series of games is quite magical. It’s in a fantasy setting, though quite dark, and includes mages, knights, warriors, dwarves, elves, and others. In the game series, there are animals who look similar to stags that are called Halla. They are found mainly in the Brecilian Forest and the Exalted Plains. The codex entry on Hall in the game refers to them as white stags and says they are larger than ordinary deer.

Halla with caretaker from
The Dalish Elves are a particular division of the elves who are nomadic. They are trying to recover and preserve their old ways that they lost due to slavery long ago. The Dalish revere the Halla. A long time ago, Dalish would ride the Halla into combat. Now, they are mainly used to pull their landships, called aravels.

Dalish aravel from

The Dalish do not look at Halla the same way humans in the game look at horses. They are not just a mount or something to pull their aravels. The Dalish talk to them and ask for their help and companionship. They even have a god related to the Halla. Her name is Ghilan’nain. She was the first Halla, turned into one by another god, Andruil the Huntress after Ghilan’nain was almost killed by a hunter. As such, Ghilan’nain is called the Mother of the Halla.

Dalish camp from

Halla from


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