Gratitude - 10 Things I'm Thankful For

So times are very tough right now for my husband and me. Our finances are up in the air and at the mercy of others. Our housing is up in the air and at the mercy of others. It's a tough time. Very. A lot of people will tell you to focus on the positive and have an attitude of gratitude, even through these times. I do that. I recognize that even though things are bad right now, I have more than a lot of people around the world and there are tons of things I'm grateful for. I'm going to list 10 today. These are in the order I thought of them, not necessarily order of importance.

1. My husband: We've been together almost 10 years now and married for almost 7. He's supportive. He understands my medical issues. He understands my stress. He tries his best to take pressure off of me by doing things like washing the dishes and such and asking me if I need anything.

2. My cat Lestat: He's 10 years old. I've had him since he was a baby so he's been with me for 10 years also, longer than my husband! He's my calm, grouchy old man kitty. He loves me and shows it in his own way, like always following me to bed and laying on the bed with me, though not too close to me. He's such a mess but I love him!

My Cat Lestat

3. My cat Ashy: He's 2 years old and we've had him since he was a baby too. He is a holy terror! He's chewed through cords, clawed things up, and he's the reason we can't have nice things - well that and money. He is also the sweetest and most loving cat I've ever had and I've had cats nonstop as an adult. I'm 37. He's incredibly talkative and loves to play games like hide and seek with us. He beings me much joy!

My Cat Ashy

4. Mom: She has her own medical problems and such but she always tries to be there for me and try to be there for her. She's halfway across the country but we talk frequently on Facebook and on the phone. We each try to calm each other when things are bad.

5. Roof over our heads: Yes, it's an iffy roof. An eviction has been filed. We've had this particular roof over our heads for 4.5 years now though and that is more than a lot of people have. I'm still grateful for it.

6. Food: Somehow, through all of this financial mess, we haven't gone hungry (much).

7. Internet: This is my connection with the outside world. It's how I pay bills and look at my checking account and communicate with people. It's also how we have fun watching YouTube videos and things like that. I also connect with like minded people and such to socialize and support each other. We've been able to keep internet, though that has been iffy at times. Right now, we're only playing $50/month for it too.

8. Cell phones: This is how we do the rest of our business that is not able to be done on the internet - like making important phone calls.

9. Music: Music has the power to change my mood. If I'm feeling sad, angry, or frustrated, music can pull me out of it oftentimes, at least for awhile. I use Spotify and Pandora the most for music, both relying on internet (see #7).

10. Love: It all comes down to love. Love is the most important thing. Love is my religion. Without love, I am nothing. I am Love.

Thanks for listening to my rambles today! I typed this out as it came to me so forgive any errors or wording mistakes.

Blessed Be!



  1. I love you girl , I know thing look kinda bad now, but good things are coming your way, I just know it <3


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