Weekly Reading: Aug 20-Aug 26, 2018

Hello, loves! ❤

For this week's reading, I pulled 3 cards from the Tarot of the Hidden Realm. It's definitely a favorite deck of mine! I have a walkthrough of it on my YouTube Channel, Sage's Silver Serenity, if you would like to see the full deck.

Let's get on to this week's reading!

I drew the 2 of Cups, the World, and the 8 of Pentacles.

Two of Cups, The World, Eight of Pentacles from Tarot of the Hidden Realm
This is a week to nurture your relationships. Put a little more work in. Do something extra for your loved ones that you don't normally do. Make them feel like they are your whole world! This is especially important for your romantic partner if applicable to you. If there isn't a romantic partner in your life, than nurture your relationship with yourself.

Enjoy your week, angels!

Sending you lots of love!

~Angela Sage


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