
Showing posts from 2018

M is for Medusa | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

M is for Medusa **TW: Sexual assault** Let’s talk about Medusa’s tragic tale in Greek mythology. She is typically portrayed as a villain who needs to be killed lest she turn unsuspecting men into stone. Her backstory makes her a much more sympathetic character in mythology, however. The Greek myths are full of male Gods sexually assaulting women, whether by force or by trickery. Medusa’s story is no different, at least in one version. Like most Greek myth characters, there are multiple versions of her life and death. Medusa is a gorgon. That is true in every myth of her. Gorgons in Greek mythology are a set of three sisters - Medusa, Stheno, and Euryale - with snakes for hair and the power to turn people into stone by a mere look. Let’s get into the versions of myths that describe how she became a gorgon. In some myths, Medusa is born as a monster, like her sisters. Some also state that Medusa is mortal (as evidenced by her death) but her two sisters are immortal. The myt

L is for Love | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

L is for Love Love is everything! We are love. Our souls are love. The Divine, the Universe, the cosmic force that connects us all, god, goddess, whatever you call it - is love. We are love. All problems in the world can be fixed with love. Love yourself. Love others. Love allows us to feel empathy toward other beings. It drives us to help other beings. The opposite of love is fear. Fear is the absence of love. Fear causes hate. People are afraid of things that are different from themselves and things they can't understand. If everyone were able to move through their fear into love, imagine what this world would be like! If we all took a moment to think before speaking or acting and took time to make sure we were coming from a place of love, there would be a lot less hurt in our world. My calling in this incarnation is love. I'm doing my best to make my actions and words come from love. I work on this daily. I am making love my religion. I am a priestess of love. Jo

K is for Kyanite | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

Hello, loves! I took a bit of a break from the ABCs of Paganism YouTube Challenge but I’m back! My next letter was K and I’m going to talk about Kyanite. It’s a lovely crystal and I have one kyanite blade in my collection. Mundane Facts: Kyanite usually forms in what is called “blades”. These are long striations in the kyanite that give it a texture. Kyanite comes in blue with white, indigo, black, and green colors most often. I personally have only seen blue with white. The one kyanite blade I have is this color variation as shown below. There are other colors as well, such as white, gray, and pink, though they are more rare. There are of course polished varieties as well. I personally love the texture to raw kyanite and so prefer it in that form. Kyanite is used in some porcelains, the auto industry, and the railroad industry among others. Magickal Facts: Kyanite is a receptive stone. It is a great tool in aiding meditation. It is said that if you sleep with a piece

Soul Voice

The night I'm writing this, I finished reading the book "Reveal" by Meggan Watterson . I was introduced to her through her Divine Feminine Oracle deck that I was lucky enough to receive. Pic by me There is so much I've learned from this book but one thing Meggan mentions is our soul voice. Our soul is the truest part of us and our soul voice is that voice. Our soul is not affected by ego, past hurts or traumas, or anything of the sort. Our soul is purely Divine, purely Love. If we can tune in to our soul voice, our soul will show us the way. In the last 2 years or so, I've been working hard on myself. Love is my focus. Speak with love. Do all things with love. It's not an easy thing. It's certainly not something that changes overnight. I still struggle with it. I still have to remind myself on a daily basis. I would be remiss if I did not give credit to Don Miguel Ruiz's book, "The Four Agreements" as well. I try my best

Gratitude - 10 Things I'm Thankful For

So times are very tough right now for my husband and me. Our finances are up in the air and at the mercy of others. Our housing is up in the air and at the mercy of others. It's a tough time. Very. A lot of people will tell you to focus on the positive and have an attitude of gratitude, even through these times. I do that. I recognize that even though things are bad right now, I have more than a lot of people around the world and there are tons of things I'm grateful for. I'm going to list 10 today. These are in the order I thought of them, not necessarily order of importance. 1. My husband: We've been together almost 10 years now and married for almost 7. He's supportive. He understands my medical issues. He understands my stress. He tries his best to take pressure off of me by doing things like washing the dishes and such and asking me if I need anything. 2. My cat Lestat: He's 10 years old. I've had him since he was a baby so he's been with me f

Update to the "Things are Bad" Post

The original post here left off with me contacting an attorney. I did contact two attorneys to assist with my long-term disability with Cigna. Both required a $2500 flat fee paid up front. I have no way to pay this so an attorney is not something I can afford to help me with this. My husband and I are looking into alternative living situations, such as roommates, in order to both save more money monthly as well as due to the possibility of being evicted. The eviction is supposed to be filed today, August 20. I have an urgent issue that is more pressing though. I need to get my heart medication refilled. Unfortunately, our checking is empty at the moment. Here's the thing though - if you donate through the Facebook fundraiser or my GoFundMe , I do not get it immediately. It takes a minimum of 3 business days for me to get the money.  So, if anyone can instead donate to my Paypal (, we will have access to it immediately plus I have a debit card for

Weekly Reading: Aug 20-Aug 26, 2018

Hello, loves! ❤ For this week's reading, I pulled 3 cards from the Tarot of the Hidden Realm. It's definitely a favorite deck of mine! I have a walkthrough of it on my YouTube Channel, Sage's Silver Serenity, if you would like to see the full deck. Let's get on to this week's reading! I drew the 2 of Cups, the World, and the 8 of Pentacles. Two of Cups, The World, Eight of Pentacles from Tarot of the Hidden Realm This is a week to nurture your relationships. Put a little more work in. Do something extra for your loved ones that you don't normally do. Make them feel like they are your whole world! This is especially important for your romantic partner if applicable to you. If there isn't a romantic partner in your life, than nurture your relationship with yourself. Enjoy your week, angels! Sending you lots of love! ~Angela Sage

Altar Tour - Aug 2018

Hello, loves! I change my altar periodically when the mood strikes me. One such mood struck me today! So I rearranged and then made a video so you can see! Thanks for visiting! Angela Sage

Things are Bad

Unexpected things have come up surrounding my chronic migraines and long-term disability. Please take a look at my GoFundMe link to read the full story. I will also put the full story from my GoFundMe in this post. Things you can do to help if you would like: 1. Donate money (the most obvious but not the only thing) 2. Share my GoFundMe with others on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) 3. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, send some love, etc. (very important) Here's some backstory before I get into the issue: I have a few chronic medical conditions. As a result, I am no longer able to work. I went on a short-term disability leave Dec 2016. Summer 2017, I transitioned to long-term disability. (Note: This is not the same as government disability.  Short-term and long-term disability are employer benefits.) I have been on long-term disability since. I have also applied for social securi

Weekly Reading: Aug 13-Aug 19, 2018

I drew some cards for the week ahead from my Tarot of the Hidden Realm deck. Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 7 of Swords Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, Seven of Swords  The message this week is to take things slow. (Pentacles are the slowest of the suits and we have Two of them.) Don't make rash decisions. Take a moment to look inward and examine why that is your decision and if it is truly the right decision. Also, be careful. Watch your back this week as well as your own motives. If you do everything with love, all should be good. Take care of yourselves and blessed be! ~Sage

Why I Started This Blog

Hello lovelies! I haven't made any YouTube vids in awhile. It's just been really hard with my chronic medical issues. There is also a lot of stress in my personal life right now so I'm staying exhausted. I sleep a lot. I thought today that typing something out may be easier on me than recording a video. If I record, I want to look semi-presentable and I like to record in one sitting, edit, then post on YouTube. If I'm typing something out, I can take days to type it up, working on little bits at a time until I have it the way I want it. I'm going to be putting some posts up with older dates for things I've written up or done videos on but this post is my first official post on this blog. My YouTube Channel is Sage's Silver Serenity. I'm not saying I will never post a video again but having a blog will allow me to get more of my ideas out while still making videos when I feel up to it. There is a "Subscribe" button at the top under the

J is for (Archangel) Jophiel | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

I did a video covering basically this exact same info. It's below if you would like to watch it! Jophiel is a lesser known Archangel. Most have heard of Archangel Michael, possibly Gabriel or Raphael but most have not heard of Jophiel unless they work with Angels. Angels are not owned by Christianity, by the way. That’s not the point of this post so that’s where I’m going to leave that for now. According to author and Angel Expert, Kyle Gray, Jophiel means the beauty of God.  She helps us shift our vision of our self, silence negative self-talk and the voice of ego, and to step away from fear for more clarity. Kyle Gray refers to Angels as the heartbeat of the Divine and beings of love. I agree given my experiences with them. In his book Light Warrior, Kyle Gray says that Jophiel is associated with the color green and can help us with clearing the air and anything cluttered. Because Jophiel is associated with beauty (her name), she is also associated with creativity. She has

I is for Inanna | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

For the letter 'I', I chose to talk about the Goddess Inanna.

The Magic of Panthers

I also made a video on this one. It’s at the bottom of the post right before the sources. General Info Black Panther is not actually a species of cat. It’s terminology used to refer to cats that are part of the genus Panthera and that have black fur. The Panthera genus includes tigers, lions, jaguars, leopards, and snow leopards. “Black panther” most often refers to black-coated leopards and black-coated jaguars. However, other cat species can contain black-coated varieties. There is a gene in these animals that is expressed causing large amounts of melanin in the fur that vary in darkness. If you look at one of these beautiful animals, you will still be able to see their leopard or jaguar spots in their fur. From a distance, they tend to look solid black. Lifestyle, diet, hunting, etc are all determined by which species the panther is.  A black panther jaguar may have different habi

H is for Hera | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

*** Possible Trigger Warning when I discuss how Hera was forced to marry Zeus.*** I also did a video on this. You can find it at the bottom of this post. Basics of Hera Let’s start with some basic info on Hera, the Queen of the Greek Gods and Queen of the Heavens before we move on to the things about her story that piss me off. :smile: Hera is part of the Gods of Olympus in Greek Mythology. She rules over Marriage, Women, Birth, and the Heavens. Sacred items to her: Diadem, Scepter, Pomegranate, Peacock, Cow, Lily Gif from Giphy Her parents are Chronus and Rhea who are also the parents of Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. She is married to Zeus, the King of the Gods, who is also her brother. This is a common thing in Greek mythology. Her children are: Ares, Enyo, Hebe, Eileithyia, Hephaestus, Angelos, and Eris Gif from Giphy Hera’s equivalent in Roman Mythology is Juno. Her Story I’ve read so many hateful things about Hera. “She’s f

G is for Glamour Magick | ABCs of Paganism #YTPaganABC

For the letter G, I chose to discuss Glamour Magick. I hope you find it interesting!

The Magic of Snakes

Giphy General Info Snakes are also called serpents. There are more than 3400 species of reptiles that have no limbs and an elongated body and tail, like a snake. In evolution, snakes are basically lizards that changed quite a bit. There are quite a few differences between snakes and lizards other than shape, such as snakes do not have movable eyelids. They just stare. At you. Forever. :smile: Giphy Snakes have been around a long time. The oldest snake fossil is about 167 million years old. They are also quite misunderstood. Yes, they are predators, as many animals are. Less than 300 species are venomous and only about half of those can inflict a deadly bite in a human. Of course, most of us do not know which those are by sight. Better to be careful! I’d like to stay alive anyway. That is why I’m okay with snakes in captivity that I know what they are, like a pet, but I do stay away from snakes in the wild. While there is fear over being bitten by a snake, the num

The Magic of Deer

I connect with multiple animals. It’s kind of fun but also makes me feel like I’m cheating on my main animal spirit. Lol The Panther is my main. Cats in general are my deepest connection, both wild and domestic. Deer are another animal I connect with. Giphy I see deer as gentle, graceful, peaceful, and spiritual creatures. It makes me happy and calm just to look at them. They’re beautiful. Magickal Properties The magickal meanings behind deer are similar to how I see them. If the deer is your animal spirit, it generally means you have a good intuition and you’re sensitive. The deer’s gentleness and grace are good things to channel into your own life, as well as trusting your intuition. The deer also reminds us to be kind to ourselves and others. Giphy Deer Magick in Pop Culture I’m only going to give a couple of examples that I am familiar with here. These are by no means the only time deer and magick pops up. Let’s talk about Harry Potter first. For

The Magic of Owls

Owls are interesting creatures. They are nocturnal, which appeals to me as a nocturnal witch, and they are associated with wisdom among other things. (More on that in a bit.) They have made appearances in pop culture and in mythology. I’m going to try to cover as much as I can in this post! Giphy About Owls Owls are birds of prey and nocturnal as I mentioned. They tend to hunt other birds, insects, and smaller mammals like mice and rabbits. They are basically all over the Earth. They are divided into two families called true owls (strigidae) and barn owls (Tytonidae). Giphy One of the most interesting facts about owls in my opinion is that they can rotate their heads as much as 270 degrees. That’s insane to me. Giphy They have a wide range of sizes from the Elf Owl as little as 31g (1oz) and 13.5cm (5in) all the way to the Eurasian eagle-owl and Blakiston’s fish owls that are up to 4.2kg (9.3lbs) and 71cm (28in). Since they hunt mainly at night, they